Vista Production | Behind the Scenes

“This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:12)


The Production Team at Vista serves behind the scenes to support our worship teams and communicators by developing and using our God-given gifts and talents intentionally to allow church-goers to experience the Gospel in new and engaging ways. 


Prepare in Prayer. Pray God’s heart for His people each and every time you serve. Ask God to move in a special way. 

Serve when scheduled, be on time and communicate with your team leader when you need a replacement. Communication is crucial for building community and carrying out effective ministry.

Dress for your position. For production, we ask that you avoid bright colored clothing in order to keep your movements subtle. Production shirts are provided for free to every team member.

Remain attentive. Even if you do not have an immediate responsibility, please remain quiet, respectful, and attentive. Loud talking or laughing may seem trivial for a regular attender but could be a major distraction for a first time guest.

Listen to all songs before Sunday. All songs are made available in planning center. Make sure you give each a quick listen before Sunday to help prepare yourself for what to expect. As you gain experience and comfort with our band and systems this becomes less necessary but especially for beginners it is very helpful to know what to expect.

Assume the best in each other. We need to take the default approach that our staff team and other team members have our best interest in mind.

Love each other. It must be ingrained in the culture of this team that we love each other. We must make it an automatic response to pray for each other, encourage each other, visit with each other, and take care of each other. There is no possible way our staff team can effectively minister to the amount of volunteers we have on our team and we want you to help us create the culture you want to be apart of.

Help us Multiply and Develop People. As a member of our team, we want to invite you to help train and develop new people to serve in production.

You can help us by consistently asking yourself:

1. “Who in my circles could serve where I am serving?”

2. “Who am I developing to serve in my position?”

3. “What other positions on the team could I learn?”

4. “What ideas do I have that could help our team get better?”


Attend DTV Classes

  1. I Do, You Watch-We schedule you to observe a service in a specific position with a trainer

  2. We do Together-We Schedule you to Operate with a trainer helping (50/50 Model)

  3. You Do, I Watch-We Schedule you to operate with a trainer watching, ready to Answer Questions

  4. You Do-Once you have completed 3 services in a trainer role and accomplish the Level 1 Criteria you are officially an operator on the team!


As a ProPresenter Operator, you will lead worship by presenting lyrics and graphics to those in the auditorium. You will be responsible for “firing” videos, graphics, and lyrics.

Training Library:


- Interface overview:

- Announcement Layers :



1. Make sure the computer is on and ProPresenter is launched.

2. Close out any inactive programs that are not used for the service.

3. Check ProPresenter presentation against the production sheet (If something doesn’t match or if you are missing an element, let the Tech Director know immediately).

6. Play through every video and element used in the service. Be sure to note how videos start and end.


8. Be in position at least five minutes before the counter drops.

9. Listen to the Tech Director for when to fire the countdown video.

10. Run lyrics during all songs unless noted. 

12. Make an effort to think ahead throughout the service. Have the next video and other elements cued up before they need to be fired.


14. After Service resume the Pre-Roll Announcement slides and reset countdown for next service

Video Camera Operator:

The Video Operator Position at video is a worship leader with a lens. Your Job is to allow those who are unable to attend service feel the energy in the room from home. We use video to share the Gospel to those at home, in the kids classrooms, and in our overflow locations as well as creating an archive of Gospel centered content for members to watch later.


PRE-SERVICE (Pre-Counter) 

1. Make sure camera is on

2. Check in with the Video Switcher using your Clear Comm.

3. Unlock your tripod.

4. Check your focus and your zoom controls.

5. Practice your Pan, Tilt, Focus


 6. When the counter gets to five, make sure you are in position, with your Comm on, your camera unlocked, and ready for the service.

7. During the service, listen for camera direction from the Video Switcher.Once the Video Switcher comes off your shot, be prepared for the next time he comes to your camera.

8. Keep “Talk” off on your Clear Comm during the service unless you are talking.


9. After each service, lock your camera's tripod.

Camera Overview

How to Use the ClearCom Packs at Vista


Always be searching for new shots.  Your Goal as a camera operator is to get your camera “Live” as many times as possible. The best way to do this is to continually “Feed” the director Shots.

Once a camera shot is no longer live either zoom the camera out or look with your eyes to see where the action is on the stage.  Unless instructed to stay on a subject by the director, as a camera operator you should always be finding new shots

Note: the director can only see what you as a camera operator have for a shot.  It is up to you to find the action and energy on the stage

Note: try not to get the same shot as the other camera operators. To ensure this look at the side screens to see what is live or use return video if your cameras has it.


Keep your camera in focus: out of focus shots are hard to look at  and can cause a disconnect with the audience.  To make sure you are in focus zoom all the way in on a subject to adjust detail, then zoom back out to your shot.

A steady hand is important.  Shaky shots are hard to watch and can even make people sick.  Be careful not to grip the camera’s handle bars too tightly, a loose grip can make a big difference

Video Switcher:

 In this position, you will be responsible for everything that is shown on the screens and the broadcast. Your responsibilities will include listening to the Broadcast Director, transitioning between camera, graphics, and video playback sources, and execute necessary cues on the Switcher console. This position is important because it helps create a seamless, distraction-free worship experience for our guests both in the room and at home. 


PRE-SERVICE (Pre-Counter) 

1. Make sure all sources are getting the correct feed on the Multi-View monitor in the Control Room.

2. Make sure all Camera Operators are present and in their positions

3. Make sure you know which cameras are manned this week and which are unmanned.

4. Go through Order of Service and make sure you know the service flow


5. Be in position by the time the countdown gets to five minutes

6. During the counter, listen for last minute Broadcast Director instructions.


7. Set Program feed to announcement loop

8. Talk through any changes or tweaks in the service with the Broadcast Team to prepare for the next worship service.

Quick Overview of the Video Switcher position and the control surface.

Overview of how to direct cameras from the Video Switcher position.

Directions on how to use the main ClearCom Controller located in the Control Room. 

Overview of the PTZ controls and how to adjust volume in the control room.